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20.02.2025 #leading_educational_institution 433 1 мин
Team competition in the direction of engineering and engineering Electronics 2025
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On February 18, on the basis of the Minsk Radio Engineering College, a team competition was held in the direction of engineering and engineering Electronics 2025.
The competition was held in two directions: radio monitoring and electronics.
^The teams from:
-^-Gomel State Road-Building College;^-=^-^-Lida College of the GRGU named after Yankee Kupala, =^-= _ = _ = _ = _ = _ = _ = _ = _ = _ = _ = -^ -Mogilev State Technological College;
-Borisovsky State Technical College;
-Mogilev State Polytechnic College;
-Filiala "Molodechno State Polytechnic College" UO Ripo;^-=^-^ -Gomel College of Electronics and Information Technologies ;
-Filiala of the educational institution "Brest State Technical University »Polytechnic College.
prize places were distributed as follows:
1st place: students of the Minsk Radio Engineering College: Rubatsky Artem (GR 2K9191) and Dudyuk Artem (GR 2K9191)
2nd place: students branch "Molodechensky State Polytechnic College" UO Ripo, Gutyrchik Denis and Lagutin Ivan
3rd place: students of the Borisov State Technical College, Kelembet Kirill and Kren Timofei
^ with the diploma "Best Radio Mountain Dudyuk Artem was awarded, and the diploma "Best Electronics" -Rubatsky Artem.
We thank all participants for participating! We are waiting for new meetings!
3-е место: учащиеся Борисовского государственного технического колледжа, Келембет Кирилл и Крень Тимофей
Дипломом «Лучший радиомонтажник» награжден Дудюк Артем, а дипломом «Лучший электроник» – Рубацкий Артем.
Благодарим всех участников за участие! Ждем новых встреч!